Thursday, December 14, 2017

Day 4 Research Day

We woke up bright and early to eat breakfast at 6:30. After that our project group met in the lab to discuss our plan for the day. Pedro is our project leader and Julia and I are in his group, after gathering our equipment we set off to place our trail cameras in different forest types.

It was clear early on that today was going to be a little challenging. Our group was going to hike the farthest and we had very steep slopes and different terrain to compete with. At the beginning it wasn't so bad, but after we had lunch it got tougher. The Mountains got steeper, muddier, and it was tough to keep going. Our perseverance and determination got us through the grueling parts. We got 12 different trail cams set in various places and we had hiked over 7 miles when we were all done. That doesn't seem like a lot but in this terrain that is pretty crazy, at least to me. We will be hiking that distance about every three days because we could not do it every day.

It was a tough and challenging day but i'm glad we did it. We got to see some cool stuff and really get a diverse experience from the jungle. We will see how our bodies hold up after we make the trek a couple more times.  

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